Behold, the Midnight Sun which rises of Tveland like a puncture wound in the sky. An empty star, born of the abyss. It drains what little life there is from the forest of Sarkash and causes the living dead to walk among the crumbling headstones of Graven-Tosk. Is it not true that we all feel its presence tormenting our souls with its unfaltering vigilance. Come night or day the star remains, sucking life from the battered world and replacing it with undead.
None, of course, are haunted more by this celestial aberration than The Shadow King.
Rob a grave. Steal a blade. Kill the Lord of Chains.
In this nightmare scenario for MÖRK BORG, your pathetic characters die trying to uncover the Benighted Blade from Graven-Tosk, travelling through the twisted forest of Sarkash, or fighting the Lord of Chains in his awful Iron Bastion.
This 42-page scenario for MÖRK BORG is written by JVC Parry in collaboration with the band Wormwitch. It features relics, adversaries, and locations from both the world of MÖRK BORG and the world of Wormwitch's songs, and strives to emulate the feel of listening to the band's work while playing through the scenario.
Content Warning: This book contains references to mind control, self-harm, and suicide, and is not shy about gore and graphic violence.
Lord of Chains is an independent production by JVC Parry and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.